Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Ship has Sailed!

The Kayla May and it's two captains have sailed away, what great memories they left with us!

So many people to thank, first and foremost our directors.
Thank you to Steve Gibson, your direction and vision brought this play to life, your spirit and enthusiasm kept us all enthralled.  Thank you Marsha Casey for once again teaching us so many ways to use our whole bodies to be funny, and thank you Sharon Gibson for all the musical direction, what a beautiful sound you helped us create!

Our cast!  You are all my heroes!  I know what a huge commitment it is to be in a production like this, the hours of rehearsal, the time spent learning lines and songs, and remembering stage direction.  Time away from your family, your friends, and all the normal activities of life.  Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

And last but certainly not least thank you to the community!  It is so wonderful that in spite of all the instant technology available today that there are so many of you that still have an appreciation for the theater arts!
Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!
Until we meet again in the spring, I'll leave you with a few of the wonderful comments that were shared with me after performances.

"That was really great! Thank you!"
"I've been to every show, and can not wait until the next one!"
"You guys are terrific, thank you for doing this in our community!"
"Really terrific!"
"Didn't want it to end!"
"Loved the music"
"Is there a sound track?"
"You should have recorded the music and sold Cd's"
"It was wonderful to see all the different ages of actors together!"
"So good, Thank You!"

Ahoy! me matey's
~ Kimberly Strong

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